Dr. Joselin Mariet.M
M Phil , PhD Nursing
In this 21st century, Nurses have to become knowledge workers, who can blend patient care skills with scientific knowledge. With the rapid advancement in health care technologies Nurses of today need to keep up-to-date with their scientific knowledge. Hence, professional education just doesn’t end with 4 years of learning, it must be a continuing process. BSc Nursing course in our college gives a foundation for understanding the self and others and adapting to a continually changing environment, though a balanced academic programme of language, humanity and sciences. Our ultimate aim is to bring the best capabilities out of our students during their four years of life in this campus.
Let me quote the message to nurses by former president of India Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, who was a great supporter of Nurses and Nursing Profession, “we need good hearts to treat the ailing hearts, we need helping hands to remove the pain, and we need beautiful minds to give happiness to the patients”
I request every Student Nurse to remember the ‘Oath for Nursing Community’ given by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam:
- I love my profession in Nursing, the noble mission
- I realize, removing the pain is a great Godly mission
- I will treat all patients equally with kindness and care
- I will be a life-long learner in Nursing
- I will follow the motto “Let my care remove your pain and bring smiles”……!!
Professor & Principal